
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Geico gets green light to sue Google, Overture
Did you know that if you own a trademark, you must defend it's use in common language, else you risk losing it? In other words, if people start using your trademark in normal parlance and if you don't defend it, you risk losing the exclusivity in the future. I was wondering why Google was suing folks when they used "google" as a verb. Makes sense, since over time it loses its unique value like "xerox" and document copying.

Yes, from a market-share/ubiquity point of view, but not from a legal standpoint. Trademark owners should thus pursue the legal route against companies or other targetable entities against such use, but eventually the populace will use it and make it popular. From a legal standpoint, they have to defend and show that they have defended it to ensure fair use of their trademark.

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